HeskethGolf Club
52 players have been signed up for this competition as of 1:50 AM Sunday 16th February
James Aughton (Hurlston Hall) |
Callum Barbour (Scarcroft) |
Richard Benson (West End Golf Club (Halifax)) |
Gary Bond (High Legh Park Country Club) |
Nicholas Bone (Kendal Golf Club) |
Harry Briggs (Scarcroft) |
Jack Buckles (Hurlston Hall) |
Jason Cartwright (West End Golf Club (Halifax)) |
John Caveney (Bury) |
Samuel Chambers (Hurlston Hall) |
John Collins (Whittaker) |
Nigel Curran (High Legh Park Country Club) |
Gareth Davies (Hurlston Hall) |
Graham Dewhirst (Dewsbury District) |
David Eineman (High Legh Park Country Club) |
Peter Faulder (Kendal Golf Club) |
Phil Firth (Wakefield) |
martin hill (Bury) |
David Holliday (Heysham) |
Carl I'Anson (Wakefield) |
John Ingham (Whittaker) |
Brian Jones (Huyton & Prescot Golf Club) |
Caleb Robinson - Jones (Hurlston Hall) |
Keith Jones (Huyton & Prescot Golf Club) |
Nev Jones (Mersey Valley Golf Club) |
Russell Linton (Kendal Golf Club) |
Philip Lyons (Huyton & Prescot Golf Club) |
Allan Macpherson (Mossock Hall Golf Club) |
James MacPherson (Mossock Hall Golf Club) |
Ian Marsh (Bury) |
Derek Mawson (Brampton) |
Jeremy Melia (Whittaker) |
Jordan Melia (Whittaker) |
Steve Millar (Brampton) |
Andrew Moorcroft (Hurlston Hall) |
Pete Nelson (Kendal Golf Club) |
James Pickersgill (Doncaster Town Moor) |
Brian Ritson (Brampton) |
Luke Sebine (Scarcroft) |
Alan Shaw (Heysham) |
David Skelton (Brampton) |
Graham Spavin (Heysham) |
James Speight (Huyton & Prescot Golf Club) |
Kevin Speight (Bury) |
Stephen Taylor (Heysham) |
James Treadell (Huyton & Prescot Golf Club) |
Dion Walton (Scarcroft) |
Malcolm White (High Legh Park Country Club) |
Andrew Wignall (Huyton & Prescot Golf Club) |
Philip Winterton (Huyton & Prescot Golf Club) |
Malcolm Wordsworth (West End Golf Club (Halifax)) |
Roger Worth (Wakefield) |