Course Safety Information
We urge all golfers to familiarise themselves with the information provided in the documents listed below.
Golfers should act in a safe and courteous manner at all times.
On Course Safety Information
- General Course Safety Policy
- On Course Safety Policy
- Greenkeeper Priority Policy
- Lightning Policy - Competitions
- Course Closure Policy
- Fog and Darkness Policy
Club Address
Hesketh Golf Club Cockle Dicks Lane Southport PR9 9QQDefibrilator
Our Defibrilator is located in the Golfers' Bar at the Front of the Clubhouse Building.
Prior to, or at the same time as requesting the defibrilator phone 999 and request an ambulance.
To call the Clubhouse dial 01704536897 and use option 4 and give clear instruction as to where you are located on the premises.

'What 3 Words' Locations
The website / app 'What3Words' is used by emergency services to identify the exact location of any point on earth. If needing to direct an emergency service to the course please use the following '3 Words'.
For the Clubhouse entrance = ///extend.letter.blows then the specific hole 3 words detailed on the Links Map below
For the Fleetwood Road Greenkeepers Utility Entrance = ///dwell.event.panic then the specific hole 3 words detailed on the Links Map below